Maintenance of Sewerage Treatment Plants (Plumbing)

Maintenance of Sewerage Treatment Plants (Plumbing) Maintenance of Sewerage Treatment Plants (Plumbing) Maintenance of Sewerage Treatment Plants (Plumbing)

Maintenance of Sewerage Treatment Plants (Plumbing)

High-Pressured Water Jetting Service

121 Capital offers a unique drain line cleaning service that utilizes high-pressure water jets to clear clogged drain lines. We offer this service to the entire Penang Island. Grease, sludge, sand, roots, and debris are the main causes of drain line blockages. Our high-pressure water jetting services can help you clear this problem

Manhole Desludging Services

At 121 Capital we provide Manhole Desludging Service that can help you resolve Grease and Sludge overflow at the grease-traps, chambers and clogging at the grease and sewer lines. Desludging is a process to vacuum out sewer/sludge and dross by the use of vacuum tanker.

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